Musings about teamwork inspired by @gapingvoid


I got the above cartoon as part of Hugh Macleod (@gapingvoid) daily newsletter (sign up for it here). This is what he wrote about it:

I got this line off of a generic “Teamwork” motivational poster. Then just to be my usual sardonic self, I added a bunch of oppressed, Stalinist worker slaves.

If this doesn’t get everybody “Soaring Like Eagles”, I don’t know what will…

I totally emphasize. In the last few weeks I am doing a lot of research work in the area of teamwork. It is surprising to find how much the academic and popular literature takes this kind of view towards teamwork.

The idea that someone “from above” will “direct” the individual accomplishments is not only outdated, it is insulting. It reminds of me of how serfs were treated in the old days.

Instead, we need to understand that teamwork, like passion, creativity and initiative (all the required ingredients for success in the today economy) are emergent properties. Teamwork is not about doing what the boss says. It is about Synergy. And Synergy cannot be commanded and controlled from above. It can only be emerge by an enabling atmosphere.

